Posted on 11/19/2018
It seemed like yesterday when you bought your car. It had that new-car smell, the breaks didn't squeak, and you didn't have to pray to a pantheon of car gods every time you merged onto the freeway. Those were the good times. Now, your car has aged. You pray to the car gods not just when you merge onto the freeway, but whenever you get into the car. Your friends mock you about its performance. You know the breaks are bad and that the steering is more misaligned than your uncle's values at Thanksgiving dinner. The question bears down on your mind: should I repair or replace this car? The process of figuring this out can be financially and emotionally draining, but it does not have to be either of those. At Alexander's Automotive, we believe in presenting nothing short of excellence — beginning at the front counter and continuing through your vehicle's service. When deciding whether to repair or replace your car, we offer courtesy inspections to ensure that your vehicle is s ... read more